„If I want to talk,

Counselling • Psychotherapy • Coaching
I meet a lot of people saying: I do not need to talk to a therapist. I can as well confess to a friend, s/he can give me good advice, and, moreover, I do not have to pay him/her for listening to me. What’s more, it’s easier for me to talk to a person I know.
Is this right? Yes and not.. But mostly not.
What is the benefit to discuss with a therapist? What is the purpose of a weekly 50 minutes meeting to ask for a paid qualified support?
So what are therapists good for?
What we’re good at
Counselling and psychotherapy (individual, couples, or family).
Personal development groups, support groups.
Psychotherapy is a mix of science and art. Its forms are unique, as well as the ways in which every client pursuits his or her own objective in therapy and in life. Sometimes, people feel more at ease in individual therapy, that can provide maximum customization to the flow of the session, according to one’s own needs.
The rhythm, the content and the level of interaction have a high degree of flexibility. Some other times, people might consider they need the interaction with the others more; they need a place where they can be together with other people with the same challenges and preoccupations.
Who am I
I graduated from the faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Sociology (both from the University of Bucharest) and have a master’s degree in Communication.
Between 2008—2012, I have earned my degree as a psychotherapist. I obey to the deontological and professional code of the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy and the Romanian College for Psychologists (the professional body of psychologists in Romania). My activity is periodically supervised by Gabriela Hum, the President of the Romanian Federation for Positive Psychotherapy.

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Quiz yourself!

Assertiveness: how well do you communicate with others?
How assertive are you—in other words, how well can you communicate what you need, without hurting others and without neglecting your own desires? The way you communicate with others is a key factor for a successful relationships. So, do you want to know which your dominant style is? Are you assertive, passive or aggressive when communicating?

Getting creative
Usually, when we set out goals for ourselves, we start by making a “to do” list, and then we start working on it. It’s only rarely that we stop to analyse our state of mind. However, our way of being, as well as the depth of our creative intentions have a higher impact on our ability to create positive results than the best “to do” list that we could ever invent. Are you ready! Let’s start!

Test life events
Te simti stresat si tensionat si nu stii de ce? Ti se pare ca viata ta e haotica, esti agitat, nu poti dormi? Simti ca e ceva ce te ingrijoreaza dar nu poti sa stabilesti cauza? Uneori, ni se ‘umple paharul’ cu evenimente a caror importanta pentru viata noastra tindem sa o privim superficial. De multe ori insa, influenta cumulata a acestor evenimente ne poate tulbura serios. Fa acest test scurt si vezi daca e nevoie sa te gandesti serios la scaderea nivelului de stress pe care il simti!
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