I believe that we, human beings, have innumerable resources in ourselves. The inner side of each one of us has been constantly polished by our unique life history, the traits that we have inherited from our parents and the inevitable fact of living in the society, which places a lot of demands, constraints and responsibilities on our shoulders.
When our personal development is blocked or distorted, this is caused, in most cases, by our relationships with the others or with ourselves. These relationships can hinder, under certain circumstances, our own development as free and self-mastering individuals. Often times, this determines us to manifest behaviors that can serve as a barrier in front of the disapproval or emotional aggression from other individuals upon us. Sometimes, these behaviors can harm us in ways we did not believe possible.
During our first therapy session, we will be talking about the things that affect or bother you, we will set up a commonly agreed working plan and we shall evaluate the compatibility of our communication styles.
I graduated from the faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Sociology (both from the University of Bucharest) and have a master’s degree in Communication. Between 2008-2012, I have earned my degree as a psychotherapist. I obey to the deontological and professional code of the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy and the Romanian College for Psychologists (the professional body of psychologists in Romania).
My professional expertise is successfully rounded by 20 years of working in the multinational environment, leading market research teams departments and companies. I have learned and practiced for years things like: work-life balance, motivation, leadership, business strategy, communication and PR, brand and company positioning, profitable business administration etc.
I profess based on the license no. 16311, issued by the official professional body of psychologists in Romania.
Where can you find me or my colleagues?
I am specialized in online therapy (via Skype or Atlas counseling platform). Il shall be welcoming you in a safe space, where you can benefit from therapy from the comfort of your own home. Alternatively, if face to face therapy is what you are looking after, my colleagues will be meeting you in a warm, cozy and safe physical environment.
In the same way you will be talking directly with me upon calling for the first appointment, myself virtually and my colleagues personally will welcome you without intermediaries. For us, ensuring complete confidentiality also through a non-mediate approach – no secretary or receptionist – is the first step toward establishing a direct and mutually trusted relationship.
My Skype coordinates: Alina Stepan or stephana74.
What is
Mind Essence?
Psychotherapists are carriers of secrets. Every day we offer clients their secrets, some of them never shared before. To host these secrets is a privilege enjoyed by few people. They are about the human condition behind the scenes, without masks and social roles that we all wear them, that play sometimes.
Awareness that wearing these secrets – guilt for certain facts, shame for actions that we did not desire to be loved and cherished, deep vulnerabilities and weaknesses, insecurities and fears – make us psychotherapists Essence of Mind, to feel connected by invisible threads of every customer who enters our office threshold.
Psychotherapy is not only a source of mind-depth and challenging but of mind. We are explorers of the largest and most complex of the world. Hand in hand with our customers enjoy the pleasure of discovery – that experience, “aha” the disparate fragments of ideas and images slide towards each other and placed in a clear picture.
There are also times when we witness birth of new ideas, liberating. We as customers look for ways to release reaction and constrain behavior, as detached from the suffering of the past, relearn how to love life and those around them. It is a joy to see them opening their own taps and fountains of wisdom.
Mind Essence is a journey into making ourselves whole. Broken fragments are rearranged and put back together into a perfect circle. The Mind Essence logo is the embodiment of that: from divided to whole.